The mental aspect of dog training is just as important as the physical. The question is why? Why is the mental just as important as the physical when it comes to training? Training is just physical techniques right? Wrong! Here's a good example. Athletes train...
I can't say it enough. Control is the absolute first step in the training process. Without control we can't train. When a teacher has a classroom full of students she gains control of them by having them sit in their assigned seats. Now she has...
In the dog training world we call it "Counter Surfing." We've all seen the dog that knows it's height and likes to use it to their advantage to grab food off the countertops. I'd be a liar if I said I haven't had several of...
Whenever I go to people's houses who have dogs, 9 times out of 10 they have to hold their dogs back while letting me in the front door. If they weren't holding them they'd be gone out that door so fast your head would spin....
This is an area where so many people struggle with their dogs. Separation anxiety can often be the main reason animal control gets called resulting of a dog getting dumped at the shelter. It's an issue that many believe there is no cure for and...
Many dogs are timid, whether they're from a shelter or a breeder. Often it's a personality trait ingrained in their DNA while other times it's a learned behavior from their past history. Whatever the case may be I have a unique method that has gotten...
Ask anyone in America (or the world for that matter) if they've ever had a dog or knew one that turned the back yard into a makeshift graveyard and they'll undoubtedly say yes. Most people simply go outside with a shovel and fill in the...
If there's one command out there that's often underrated I'd say it's the "Down" command. There are so many great uses for this behavior but most people look at it as just a simple way to lay their dog down. First and foremost it's the...