One of the most important and underrated aspects of having a dog is understanding that specific breed's origins. What they were originally bred for and how the world has changed since those days. This is often the first thing I teach my clients and students...
The mental aspect of dog training is just as important as the physical. The question is why? Why is the mental just as important as the physical when it comes to training? Training is just physical techniques right? Wrong! Here's a good example. Athletes train...
Dogs bark. We all know this and most people with excessive barking dogs just tune out the fact their dog is barking out of control. Dogs bark for different reasons. Some want attention while others are being protective. Whatever the case an excessive barking dog...
When people tell me they can't train their out of control dog I tell them to remember 3 words in order: Control, Train, Treat. Let's break this down step by step...